Why to sell and buy on Granida.eu?

We know the day to day struggle when trading commodities on physical market. That is why we decided to digitalize the process and add some interesting functions along. From now on many of your struggles will be eased and new opportunities will arise. Here are some of the best functions:


Verified users and goods

Only sellers who have the goods and only buyers who are willing to buy. No phantom offers with no real goods. Stop wasting your time chasing the trade that was never even there. Start making deals with real partners and real goods.


Money on delivery vs pay after you check the goods

By enabling the financial institutions to take part in the trade, whole new business possibilities arise. Seller will get their payment right after the delivery, but the buyer has still time to check the goods and pay in 30 days period. This way the seller has guarantee of payment while the buyer pays only if the goods are in accordance with his order.


No bargaining

Quality and price is always know to the parties. No more rethinking on the trade, no more mysterious better prices from another buyer right before the sale, no more useless wasting time. This is are the goods, this is the price. Take it or leave it.


Full support

Our team is ready to assist you in any time of the whole process. From starting of the trade, inspection, logistic and final settlement. We are here to make your trade smooth.

How does it work?

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Try it right now

We bring trust and guarantee to the trade, so you can easily discover new markets

Time has changed even in the Agri world, and online trade is getting bigger every day. Start using this online platform to gain an advantage today.

  • 90% payment on delivery guaranty
  • only verified buyers and sellers
  • free registration

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